Wix App Developers: Build a New eCommerce Business Solution

Note: Integrating a new business solution app with the eCommerce platform currently requires direct assistance. When you are ready to get started creating your app, please contact the Wix eCommerce Platform team by email for assistance.

If you are developing a full-scale business solution that requires eCommerce capabilities (similar to Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, or Wix Restaurants Orders), you can integrate your app with the Wix eCommerce platform and take advantage of its features. To enable this integration, you need to take the following steps:

Set up automatic installation of the eCommerce app

The eCommerce platform’s functionality is added to a Wix site by installing the Wix eCommerce app. However, the Wix eCommerce app isn’t a standalone app that a site owner can install independently. To integrate eCommerce capabilities into your own business solution app, you need to make sure that your app automatically installs the eCommerce app as a dependency and adds the features you need.

Integrate an external catalog with your app

Any business solution that integrates with the eCommerce platform needs to connect with an external catalog containing available products or services.
