About Extensions in Blocks

Your app can add functionality to various parts of the Wix ecosystem, such as adding a page to a site’s dashboard or a widget to a site page. Each specific type of functionality that an app can provide is called an extension. For general information about Wix app extensions, read How apps extend Wix.

Wix Blocks is a development framework for developing Wix apps, supporting the integration of extensions. It allows for the addition of extensions such as site widgets, dashboard pages and more to your app.

Supported extensions

Site widgets

Widgets build your app's user interface. They are the part of the app the user interacts with. Usually composed of elements like buttons and input fields, as well as settings panels and action bars. An app can have several widgets.

Learn how to build a site widget using Blocks.

Site plugins

With site plugins, you can create interactive and feature-rich widgets that seamlessly integrate into Wix’s business solutions (such as Wix Stores and Wix Bookings), extending their functionality and user experience. Site plugins are built using Wix Blocks, which offers powerful layout and design tools, and give you access to Velo's full-stack development platform.

Learn how to build a site plugin using Blocks.

Dashboard pages

Dashboard pages are administrative pages you can add to the dashboard of a Wix site or project. They do not appear on the live site, so site visitors never see them. However, dashboard pages are visible to site admins with the required permissions.

Learn how to build a dashboard page using Blocks.

Extensions not currently supported with Wix Blocks

Any extensions not listed above are currently unavailable in Wix Blocks. However, your app can still use these extensions by using the Wix CLI or by self-hosting. For more information about adding extensions, see how apps extend Wix.
