Manage Blocks App Versions

Version types

Wix Blocks assigns a version to every build. Site builders can choose if and when to install the update. Choose one of three types of versions:

  • Test. Test the app functionality on a site (learn more about testing). When you're developing your app, we recommend to use the Test version to avoid raising your app's version number. However, do not use this option for apps that are in production on users sites.  
  • Major version. Release a major version when you've made changes that break compatibility. Note that your first build after your "test" builds must be major. 
  • Minor version. Release a minor version when you've made small changes that don't break compatibility. A minor version will automatically change on any site the app is installed on. Note that a minor version takes 5-15 minutes to update in the live site. 

Changes that require a major version

Some changes are substantial changes that cannot allow a minor version. 

If you added the following items in Blocks, your next build must be major or test:

If you made the following changes in the Wix Dev Center, your next version will be a major version (learn more):  

Version numbering

Wix Blocks automatically updates the version number. For example, if your previous release was 1.0, and you build a minor version, Blocks assigns it the version number 1.1. If your previous release was 2.2, and you build a major version, Blocks assigns it the version number 3.0. A test version does not change the version number. 

Apps published in the App Market

If you published your app in the Wix App Market and you want to update its version to the latest version you built in Blocks, go to the Wix Dev Center and resubmit it for review. Any changes that you do without resubmitting your app won't update in the App Market and won't show in the sites of users who installed your app.

Apps created in the Wix Dev Center

If you created your app in the Wix Dev Center and then added a Blocks extension to it, make sure to build a minor version in Blocks. A major version will require a manual update of the application in all the sites it's installed on.
