Add Dashboard Menu Plugin Extensions in the App Dashboard

This article describes how to add a dashboard menu plugin into a pre-configured slot in an app built by Wix, using the App Dashboard.


  • Alternatively, you can add a dashboard menu plugin extension with the Wix CLI.
  • You can only add this extension to some apps built by Wix. Learn more about plugin slots in dashboard pages.
  • To minimize errors, instruct your user to install the app built by Wix on their site before installing your app.

Add a dashboard menu plugin to your app

Add the extension by doing the following:

  1. In your app dashboard, click Extensions in the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Create Extension.
  3. In the Choose the extension you want to create modal, select Dashboard Menu Plugin and click Create.
  4. On the Dashboard Menu Plugin extension configuration page, use the JSON editor to configure the following properties:
extendsRequired. The slot ID for the slot your extension plugs into.
hostingPlatformRequired. The Wix platform that hosts the extension. Use BUSINESS_MANAGER.
iconKeyThe icon that appears next to your extension in the menu it's added to. Select a normal-size icon from the Wix Design System and paste its name.
actionRequired. What your extension does when clicked. Enter openModal to direct site administrators to a dashboard modal, or navigateToPage to direct them to another dashboard page.
action.navigateToPageWhen action is set to navigateToPage, the page navigation configuration object. This contains the ID of the target dashboard page, as well as additional parameters. Learn how to find the extension ID.
action.navigateToPage.pageIdRequired when using navigateToPage. The ID of the dashboard page to which site administrators are directed. Learn how to find the extension ID.
action.navigateToPage.relativeUrlA URI segment attached to the base URI of the target dashboard page. It can include path segments, search parameters and hash information.
action.openModalWhen action is set to openModal, the dashboard modal configuration object. This contains the ID of the dashboard modal to display, as well as additional parameters.

詳細はこちら dashboard modals.
action.openModal.componentIdRequired when using openModal. The ID of the dashboard modal to display when the extension is clicked. Learn how to find the extension ID.
action.openModal.componentParamsAdditional parameters you can pass to your dashboard modal. Note that if an additional parameter shares a name with a parameter passed by the slot, the additional parameter overrides the slot's parameter.
componentNameA unique name for this extension that appears in the Dev Center.
  1. 保存をクリックする。

When the site admins clicks the dashboard menu plugin extension, they are directed to the specified dashboard page or shown the modal.

See also
