Loyalty Checkout Discount Object

A loyalty checkout discount represents a discount applied to a checkout using loyalty rewards, coupons, or referral rewards.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Loyalty checkout discount ID.

checkoutIdstringformat GUID

ID of the checkout this discount is applied to.

10 enum supported values:

Current status of the discount.

  • UNKNOWN: Status is unknown or not specified.
  • APPLIED: Discount has been applied to the checkout.
  • IN_PROGRESS: Discount application is in progress.
  • COMPLETED: Discount has been successfully completed.
  • REFUNDED: Discount has been refunded.
  • FAILED_TO_REFUND: Attempt to refund the discount failed.
  • REFUNDED_DUE_TO_TIMEOUT: Discount was refunded due to a timeout.
  • REFUNDED_DUE_TO_MANUAL_DISCOUNT_REMOVAL: Discount was refunded due to manual removal.
  • SCHEDULED_FOR_REFUND: Discount is scheduled for refund.
  • UNUSED: Discount was not used.

5 enum supported values:

The type of discount applied.

  • UNKNOWN: Discount type is unknown or not specified.
  • DISCOUNT_AMOUNT: A discount from a flexible reward.
  • LOYALTY_COUPON: A discount from a redeemed loyalty program coupon.
  • COUPON_REWARD: A discount from a coupon reward that has not yet been redeemed.
  • REFERRAL_REWARD: A discount from a referral reward.


rewardIdstringformat GUID

ID of the loyalty reward used for this discount.

loyaltyCouponIdstringformat GUID

ID of the loyalty coupon used for this discount.

referralRewardIdstringformat GUID

ID of the referral reward used for this discount.
