Post Object

Blog Submodule Docs

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Post ID.

titlestringmaxLength 100

Post title.

excerptstringmaxLength 500

Post excerpt. Can be selected by a site contributor. By default, it is extracted from the content text's first characters.

Max: 500 characters

contentTextstringRead-onlymaxLength 400000

The post's content in plain text.

firstPublishedDatestringformat date-time

Date the post was first published.

lastPublishedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date the post was last published.


Post URL.

slugstringmaxLength 100

Post slug. For example, 'post-slug'.


Whether the post is marked as featured.


Whether the post is pinned. If true, the post is placed at the top of the post list.

categoryIdsArray <string>maxItems 10format GUID

Category IDs of the post.

coverMediaobjectdeprecated - use media instead

Deprecated. Use media instead. This property will be removed on June 30, 2023.

Post cover media.

memberIdstringformat GUID

Post owner's member ID.

hashtagsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 100maxLength 100

Hashtags in the post.


Whether commenting on the post is enabled.


Estimated reading time (calculated automatically).


Image placed at the top of the blog page.

tagIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 30format GUID

IDs of tags the post is tagged with.

relatedPostIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 3format GUID

IDs of posts related to the post.

pricingPlanIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 100format GUID

Pricing plan IDs. Only relevant if a post is assigned to a specific pricing plan.

translationIdstringformat GUID

ID of the translations of this post. All translations of a single post share the same translationId.

languagestringformat LANGUAGE

Language the post is written in.

2-letter language code in ISO 639-1 alpha-2 format.


SEO data.

contentstringRead-onlymaxLength 400000

Reserved for internal use.

contactIdstringformat GUID

Post owner's contact ID.


Post rich content

See the child properties of this field in the Ricos Document reference


Whether the returned content is a preview of premium content. Defaults to false. A preview displays a limited number of paragraphs of paid content to non-subscribed users.

contentIdstringmaxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

mostRecentContributorIdstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Reserved for internal use.


Post moderation details. Only relevant to posts submitted by guest writers.


Post cover media.


Indicates if there is a draft post with changes that have not yet been published.

internalIdstringRead-onlymaxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

internalCategoryIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 10maxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

internalRelatedPostIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 3maxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.
