About Wix Restaurants Catalogs

Note: This API only works with the original Wix Restaurants Menus app. Call GetAppInstance to confirm that the app named “restaurants_menus” is installed on the site.

With Wix Restaurants Catalogs, site owners can manage individual catalogs for each of their restaurant locations.

The Catalogs API allows your app to:

  • Retrieve catalogs
  • Read and manage menus, sections, dishes, variations, and discounts
  • Use draft catalogs to synchronize updates

You can read more about setting up and managing multiple locations for a business with the Locations API.


  • Catalog: Collection of menus and discounts available in a specific location.
  • Draft Catalog: Allows you to publish multiple changes to a catalog at the same time.
  • Menu: Catalogs are made up of menus. For example "Breakfast", "Lunch", and "Dinner" menus.
  • Section: Menus are made up of sections. For example "Appetizers", "Entrees", and "Desserts" sections.
  • Item: Anything that customers can buy in the restaurant. Can be of type dish or variation.
    • Dish: Item that appears in a section of a menu.
    • Variation: Item that doesn't appear in a section on its own, only as a choice for a dish.
  • Choice: Item that customers can choose to modify a dish. Both item types variation and dish are supported.
    • Available Choices: All possible choices for a dish.
    • Default Choices: The choices for a dish that are selected by default.
    • Selected Choices: The choices a customer has selected for a dish.
  • Dish Option: Type of the choice. Can be an extra, selection, or deselection.
    • Extra: Item that customers can add to a dish. For example a topping. Customers can add multiple extras per dish.
    • Selection: Item that customers can select. For example a dish size. Customers can choose only a single selection per dish.
    • Deselection: Item that customers can remove from a dish. For example a specific ingredient. Customers can remove multiple deselections per dish.
  • Label: Information about the ingredients and constituents of a dish. For example "spicy", "hot", "vegan", "gluten-free", or "organic".
  • Discount: Can be an amount or percentage. Applies to a catalog, section, or dish. Customers may need to enter a coupon code to receive the discount.


  • Each location has a single catalog.
  • A section belongs to a single menu.
  • You can create discounts for catalogs, sections, or dishes. You can't create a discount that applies to a menu.
  • Currently, the Catalog Changed webhook doesn't return information about what has changed. In order to update an external POS upon changes to a Wix Restaurants catalog you may need to create your own logic to identify the changes.