About Blog

Wix Blog allows users to create and manage blogs. Site owners can create and manage posts, draft posts, categories and tags on their blog page. Site collaborators can also create and manage blogs, given the appropriate roles and permissions. These roles include:

  • Blog Editors can fully manage the blog, but not other areas of a site.
  • Blog Writers can create and publish their own posts on a blog.
  • Guest Writers can create posts, but can't publish them.

With the Wix Blog API, you can:

  • Create and manage posts and draft posts.
  • Assign categories to posts and draft posts, as well as update and remove them.
  • Add tags to posts and draft posts, as well as remove them.

With Wix Pricing Plans, exclusive blog content can only be accessed by readers with a subscription. Learn more about creating blog post subscriptions.

Learn more about Wix Blog.

Sample Use Cases

  • Send emails to blog subscribers with the latest blog posts
  • Create and send out social media posts when a new blog post is marked as featured


  • Post: A published article on a blog site. It is also referred to as a publication. A blog can have up to 100K posts.
  • Draft Post: An article written by a site owner, blog editor, blog writer, or a guest writer that is not yet published.
  • Category: A grouping of similar and related posts. A post can be assigned to a maximum of 10 categories.
  • Tag: A way to further sort and organize blog posts. Tags provide the ability to filter a blog's articles.