About the Posts and Stats API

The Posts and Stats API allows users to retrieve and manage blog posts. A post is a published article written for a blog by a site collaborator who is given the appropriate roles and permissions.

With Posts and Stats API, you can:

  • Retrieve and display individual posts or a list of posts.
  • Query and filter posts based on specific criteria.
  • Access the metrics and statistics of a post to analyze engagement and performance.

With Wix Pricing Plans, exclusive blog content can only be accessed by readers with a subscription. Learn more about creating blog post subscriptions.

Learn more about Wix Blog.

: translationId is only returned in the draftPost object if the 多言語 app is installed.


  • Post: A published article on a blog site. It is also referred to as a publication. A blog can have up to 100K posts.
  • Draft Post: An article written by a site owner, blog editor, blog writer, or a guest writer that is not yet published.
  • Category: A group of similar and related posts. A post can be assigned to a maximum of 10 categories.
  • Tag: A way to further sort and organize blog posts. Tags provide the ability to filter blog posts.