About the Service Fees API

The Service Fees API allows you to manage your service fees rules and apply them to orders.

With the Service Fees API, you can:

  • Create and manage rules for service fees on Wix sites.
  • Implement custom pricing and fee structures for restaurant orders on Wix sites.
  • Adjust service fees automatically based on certain rules or conditions.

Before you begin

It's important to note the following point before starting to code:

  • This API requires Wix Restaurants Orders (New) to be installed on the site calling the API. If you are using this API in an app, add Wix Restaurants Orders (New) as an app dependency.

Use cases


  • Order: Information about an order that is placed by a customer. It contains necessary information to calculate service fees. The order has not yet been placed, it is in the pre-checkout stage.
  • Condition: Evaluates a specific field in the order. Learn more.
  • Condition Tree: Contains two conditions and an operator. Learn more.
  • Rule: Defines the fee that is applied when specific conditions (also defined by the rule) are met.