
The Operations API allows you to create and manage operations at restaurants. An operation refers to different services a restaurant may offer. For example, a restaurant may offer a takeaway operation and a catering operation, where each one would work with different time frames, availabilities, and fees.

With the Operations API, you can:

  • Create operations.
  • Retrieve and query existing operations.
  • Update existing operations.

Before you begin

  • This API requires Wix Restaurants Orders (New) to be installed on the site calling the API. If you are using this API in an app, add Wix Restaurants Orders (New) as an app dependency.

Use Cases


  • Operation: Restaurant service that includes various aspects of its online ordering.
  • Scheduling: Time-related aspects of order placement.
  • Fulfillment methods: Ways in which a restaurant can provide orders to its customers. See Fulfillment Methods.
  • Service fees: A rule defines the fee that is applied when specific conditions (also defined by the rule) are met. You can use a rule to apply a service fee to a restaurant order. See Service Fees.