Importing Files

To import files using the Import File or Bulk Import File endpoints, you need to do one of the following for each file:

  • Pass its MIME type in the mimeType field of the request. For example, mimeType: 'image/jpeg'.

  • Include its extension in either the displayName または url field of the request. For example, displayName: 'Example Image.jpeg または url:

  • Ensure the server hosting the file supports HEAD requests. In these cases the Wix servers can retrieve the MIME type from the hosting server.

注: If you want to validate the media type, pass the file's expected media type in the optional mediaType field of the request. For example, mediaType: 'IMAGE'.

Knowing when a file is ready

When you import a file using the Import File or Bulk Import File endpoint, or upload a file, it's not immediately available, meaning you can't manage or use the file straight away. Files can take time to import or upload and be processed. This is true even though the endpoint used to import or upload a file returns a successful response.

To run code when a file finishes processing successfully, use the Descriptor File Ready webhook. To run code when a file's import fails, use the Descriptor File Failed webhook.

Using externalInfo

について Import File, Bulk Import File, Generate File Upload URLそして Generate File Resumable Upload URL endpoints have a parameter called externalInfo. Arguments passed to this parameter are included in the event bodies of the Descriptor File Ready そして Descriptor File Failed webhooks. This is the only place they appear.

Use externalInfo to pass information to the webhooks that isn't contained in the file descriptor オブジェクトがある。

externalInfo use case

Here is a sample flow to show how you could use externalInfo effectively.

There is a form on a site that sends site visitors a confirmation email with the details they submitted in the form. One of the form fields is an image URL. In the email, we want to send a Wix download URL for the image, not the original image URL. This means we can only send the email when the image file is ready to download.

To implement this, we use the following flow:

  1. When the user submits the form, send the form information to a data collection, getting back the form data's アイドル.
  2. Use Import File to upload the image to the Media Manager. Include the externalInfo parameter as follows:
  3. Subscribe to the Descriptor File Ready webhook and implement the following steps to handle the event:
    1. Check that the value for externalInfo.origin is formBuilder. We don't want to run this code if media was added from a different source.
    2. Use the form data's アイドル to retrieve the form details from the CMS.
    3. Generate a download URL for the image.
    4. Send the confirmation email with the form details and the download URL.