
The Wix Media API provides the functionality to manage media files and folders in a site's Media Manager.

With the Wix Media API, you can:

  • Manage folders and files in your Media Manager.
  • Generate URLs for uploading files and downloading files and folders.

Learn more about the Wix Media Manager.

Before You Begin

Before using the Import File and Bulk Import Files endpoints, see the article on Importing Files.

Use Cases


  • System folders: Folders in the Media Manager's file system directory. There are 3 types of system folders:
    • Root Folders: Main categories of folders the Media Manager.

      • MEDIA_ROOT: Contains all files and folders in the Media Manager's 'Site Files' tab in the UI.

      • TRASH_ROOT: Contains all files and folders in the Media Manager's 'Trash' tab in the UI.

      • VISITOR_UPLOADS_ROOT: Contains all files and folders created by site visitors or members.


      • について MEDIA_ROOT system folder is different from the media-root folder of the Media Manager. The MEDIA_ROOT system folder contains all media in all levels of the 'Site Files' tab in the UI, while the media-root folder of the Media Manager contains only the media in the root level of the 'Site Files' tab in the UI. Similar relationships exist between TRASH_ROOT そして trash-rootそして VISITOR_UPLOADS_ROOT そして visitor-uploads.
      • について VISITOR_UPLOADS_ROOT folder is located in the 'Site Files' tab in the UI. However, it is its own root folder and doesn't return when searching in the MEDIA_ROOT folder.
    • Virtual Folders: Special categories of folders in the Media Manager that are hidden from the UI and can't be deleted.

      • MOBILE_UPLOADS: Contains all media uploaded using mobile devices.
      • PURCHASED_ITEMS: Contains all media imported using a purchase flow.
    • Other Folders:

      • VIDEO_MAKER: Contains all videos created using Wix Video Maker. Located in the 'Site Files' tab in the UI.