Velo: Publish vs. Draft in Triggered Emails

Once you've designed your Triggered Email, you can test it to see how it looks, save it for future changes or send it right away.

This bar appears on the top right of the Triggered Email Editor:

  • Preview & Test: See how your email appears and check if your links are working.
  • ドラフトとして保存: This leaves your email as a work-in-progress. Clicking this button returns you to the Triggered Emails dashboard where your email is labeled Draft
  • Save and Publish: Publishing your Triggered Email generates a code snippet for you to add in Velo by Wix. This snippet contains the content of your email and instructions for filling in the variables correctly. On your Triggered Emails dashboard, a published email is labeled Published .

Note You must publish your Triggered Email in order for it to be active.

Next steps: Click here to learn how to correctly use your code snippet in the Velo by Wix.
