Velo: Adding Sender Details to Triggered Emails

Sender details let readers know where their emails are coming from and who they can reply to. It's a mandatory step for any campaign, including Triggered Emails.

Upon completing your first Triggered Email, you'll be prompted to add your sender details:

  • From name or Sender's name: This is the name that appears in the recipient's inbox.
  • Reply-to email: This is the email address that receives your readers' responses.

Important information about the reply-to address:

  • Automated emails sent from a public email service like Gmail or Yahoo tend to land in the spam or promotions category. It's better to use an authenticated address, (e.g.
  • If you use a public domain address, Wix redirects your email through our own authenticated address. Don't worry, only your name and subject line appear in the inbox and readers' replies will go straight to your inbox.
  • You may be asked to confirm your reply-to address. You'll receive an email in your inbox with those instructions.

Once your details are saved, click Edit Details on the Triggered Email dashboard to change your sender details.
