Velo: Working with Dashboard Pages

Dashboard pages are pages you create in the Editor that only appear on your site’s dashboard

Note: Dashboard pages only appear in your dashboard after you publish your site.

You can use dashboard pages to create a custom back office where you and your contributors can manage your business and the content in your Live database. Because only you and your contributors can access your dashboard, no other visitor to your site will be able to see or use these pages.

Important: Although non-contributor site visitors cannot access your dashboard pages, anyone can see any of your public page code, including the page code in dashboard pages.

You add dashboard pages to your site differently than you add regular pages (see below). Dashboard pages also do not appear on the Velo Sidebar; you can find them in the Dashboard Pages section of the Menus and Pages panel. 

Dashboard pages can only be accessed via your dashboard. Neither you nor your visitors will see them in your published site. 

Dashboard pages vs. other site pages

Dashboard pages use the same settings as any other page on your site, including the look and feel, except for the following:

  • They do not have headers or footers. 
  • They do not have a Login Bar (if you have added a Members Area to your site). 
  • They are hidden from your site menu, but you can add them manually if you want (see note below). 

Functionally, dashboard pages support the same options as any other page on your site. You can:

  • Add datasets and connect them to page elements. 
  • View, add, and update information in your Live database. 
  • Write code that runs on your dashboard pages. Note that you do not need to use elevate() to run code with elevated permissions on dashboard pages.
  • Link from dashboard pages to regular pages and from regular pages to dashboard pages (see note). 


  • If you link from a regular page or your site's menu to a dashboard page, only your contributors will be able to access that page. Anyone else will get a login page instead.
  • If you link from a dashboard page to a regular page, it will open in your dashboard unless you set the link to open in a new page.
  • You cannot convert a regular page to a dashboard page or a dashboard page to a regular page.

Let's say you run a real estate site. You have people who help you maintain the information about the properties you deal with. You have added these people as contributors to your site, and now you want to create back office pages that make it easier for them and you to manage the content in your Live database. 

Here are some ideas of dashboard pages you could create:

  • An upload form for adding new properties
  • A form to simplify making changes to the information about different properties
  • A page that lists all the properties in your Live database with search capabilities
  • A page that lists all the new properties that have been added so that you can review them
  • A page where each contributor can see the properties they themselves manage

How to add a dashboard page

  1. On the Add menu, click Page, and then click Dashboard Page.

  2. If the "Introducing Dashboard Pages" panel appears, click "Add Dashboard Page."

  3. In the Dashboard Pages panel, give your new page a name.

  4. To make your page available on your dashboard sidebar menu, make sure to publish your site.

Now you can build your page any way you like. Anything you would do on a regular page you can do on your dashboard page. You can add datasets and connect them to elements on your page. You can write code. 


  • Once you have added one dashboard page, you can add additional pages from the Menus & Pages button. 
  • You can also open your dashboard page from the Switch Page panel.

How to access your dashboard pages

  1. Navigate to your dashboard.
  2. On the Sidebar Menu, click the dashboard page you want to view.