Velo: Creating a Triggered Email

A Triggered Email allows you to send a personalized message to a site member who has triggered a specific event.  To learn more about Triggered Emails, click here.

To create a Triggered Email:

Step 1: Access the Triggered Email dashboard

Select Developer Tools from the Code sidebar (Wix studio), or the Velo Sidebar (Wix Editor). Under the Automation section, select Triggered Emails. Alternatively, you can select Developer Tools in your site's dashboard. Then select Triggered Emails.

Step 2: Create an email
  1. (If this is your first time creating a Triggered Email, click スタート .)
  2. クリック + Create New. This takes you to the Triggered Email Editor.
    • Or, click the もっと見る アイコン をクリックしてください。 Duplicate if you want to duplicate an existing Triggered Email and then make edits.
  3. On the Triggered Email Editor, design your email:
    1. Edit the provided content by clicking an element, customizing, or deleting it.
    2. をクリックする。 追加 アイコン on the left side to include additional elements.
    3. をクリックする。 背景 アイコン on the left side to customize the background.
Step 3: Use Variables to insert specific information

Variables make a Triggered Email truly unique to its reader. The variable is a placeholder that will ultimately be replaced by a real value that you define in the code. The name in the placeholder should be meaningful to you so that you can identify it later.

  1. Click a text element and then click + Add Variable .
    1. Variable name: You can name a variable anything you want, but it should be meaningful to you so you can identify it later.
    2. アンダー Fallback value, write a replacement text that appears in case you're missing that specific piece of data. (For example, if you don't have your user's name, you can add "Customer" or "Buddy", depending on what fits your situation best.)
      1. Please note that fallback values may be applied in the body of an email, but not in the subject line.
    3. Click Add.
Step 4: Get your Triggered Email's code snippet

If at this stage, if you click Save as Draft, you are redirected back to the Triggered Email dashboard. To proceed to the code snippet, click Save & Publish.

To generate the code snippet:

  1. Click Save & Publish on the top left.

  2. If you have not already done so, 

    1. Click Add Details to choose how your name appears, and the reply-to address.
    2. 保存をクリックする。
    3. You may be asked to confirm your email address. If so, enter the confirmation code from the email in your inbox and click Confirm.
  3. (Suggested: Change the email ID by clicking the ID listed and replacing it.)

  4. Choose who you want to receive your email:

    • Email New Contacts when someone signs up.
    • Email Site Members for existing members.
  5. Click Copy in the text window where the code snippet appears.

  6. Click Got It to close the window.

Step 5: Add the code snippet to an event on your site

Click here to learn how add the snippet in your Velo Panel.
