• Suspend and Reactivate Subscriptions

    You now have the flexibility to pause subscriptions. When you’re ready to offer services again or your customer wants to rejoin, simply reactivate their plan. Learn more

  • Add a Class Timetable to Your Site in Wix Bookings

    Display your classes in a timetable so your clients can easily see what's available on any particular day. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: Book Button

    Add a standalone button anywhere on your site so clients can book instantly. You can link to a specific service page or to your full service list. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: Zoom Integration

    Integrate Zoom with your site and offer virtual services to your clients. Run live video sessions and meetings—no matter the distance. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: Services Category View

    Display your services by category so clients can easily find what they're looking for. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: No Fee Option

    You can now create a service without displaying a price. This is useful for intro sessions or consultations, or if you simply prefer not to show a fee. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: Require Approval for 1-on-1 Booking Requests

    Clients can now send booking requests for 1-on-1 sessions. You'll get notified of booking requests and can accept or decline them to take more control of your schedule. Your clients are then notified of your response. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: New Registration Deadline

    To avoid last-minute bookings, you can now set a registration deadline for weekly classes, 1-on-1 sessions and courses. Learn more
  • Wix Bookings: New Interval Selection for 1-on-1 Sessions

    Customize your 1-on-1 time slots according to your needs. For example, instead of the default half-hour interval option (12:00, 12:30, etc.), set 45-minute time slots for 1-on-1 sessions. Learn more
  • Wix予約:予約管理をスタッフに任せる
