Editor X: Adding, Managing and Replying to Site Comments

エディターXは、代理店およびフリーランサー向けの新しいプラットフォーム、Wix Studioに移行します。Wix Studioについてさらに詳しく
Working as a team on an Editor X site? Use the Comments panel to manage the design process. Every page has a separate comments board so you can leave specific feedback for others and ask them questions.   
In this article, learn how to:

Adding a New Comment

Add a comment for your teammates to see, formatting the text as needed and attaching files or images. You can either leave a general comment or mention someone (@) by tagging them. 
If your feedback is related to a specific element on a page, select it and then write your comment. When a teammate clicks that comment, they get re-directed to see the element in question.

To add a new comment:

  1. Open the relevant page in your Editor.
  2. Select a breakpoint at the top (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile).
  3. Depending on the comment you want to add, follow the steps:
    • Related to the page: をクリックする。 コメント アイコン  at the top right. 
    • Related to an element: 
      1. Select the relevant element. 
      2. をクリックする。 コメント アイコン  right above the element.
  4. Enter your comment in the text box at the bottom. Use the tools right below the text box to make it more detailed:
    • Make your text bold  or underlined .
    • Add a bulleted list
    • Add an image or a file .   
  5. When ready, click the 送信 アイコン
You can also press the Enter key on your keyboard to submit a new comment. 

Managing a Comment

After writing a comment, you can edit it to change the content or remove it if it's no longer needed. When removing a comment, it's deleted permanently and cannot be restored. 

To manage your comment:

  1. Open the relevant page in your Editor.
  2. をクリックする。 コメント アイコン  at the top right. 
  3. Hover over the relevant comment and click the More Actions icon
  4. Do one of the following:

Replying to a Comment

To reply to a comment:

  1. Open the relevant page in your Editor.
  2. をクリックする。 コメント アイコン  at the top right. 
  3. Click Reply under the comment you want to respond to. 
  4. Enter your reply in the text box at the bottom.
  5. をクリックする。 送信 アイコン  to submit your reply. 
What's next?
You can mark the comment as resolved if you've finished handling it. Hover over the comment and click the Resolved アイコン .  

Resolving and Re-Opening a Comment

When you're finished handling a specific comment, mark it as done by resolving it. The comment then moves to the Resolved queue where you can access it at any time. 
You can always re-open a resolved task if there's more to be done. The comment then moves back to the Open queue so you can continue working on it. 

To resolve or re-open a comment:

  1. Open the relevant page in your Editor.
  2. をクリックする。 コメント アイコン  at the top right. 
  3. Depending on whether you want to resolve or re-open a comment, follow the steps: 

