
Triggered when a visitor views the product page.

View Content: Event Properties

originストリングWix App that emitted this event, such as "Stores" or "Bookings."
アイドルGUIDProduct ID.
名称ストリングProduct name.
pricenumberProduct price.
currencycurrencyDefault site currency in ISO-4217 format.
skuストリングProduct Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
タイプストリングProduct type. Possible values are physical そして digital.
ブランドストリングProduct brand.
dimension3ストリングCustom Google Analytics dimension defined for this product. Learn more about custom dimensions & metrics in Google Analytics.
variantsarray of objectsOptional. Product variants.
variants.idGUIDVariant ID. Learn more about product options and variants.
variants.optionsSelectionsIdsarray of numbersOptional. User selections of product options, such as size or color, listed in the order they appear on the site dashboard. For example, the array [2,0,2] indicates choice 3 for the first option, choice 1 for the second option, and choice 3 for the third. Learn more about product options and variants.
variants.pricenumberVariant price.
variants.skuストリングVariant Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) ID.
optionsarray of objectsProduct options, such as size or colors.
visitorIdGUIDSite visitor ID.
_internalEventIdGUIDEvent ID.
isPremiumbooleanWhether the Wix site is a Premium site.
userIdGUIDWix user ID.
metaSiteIdGUIDWix site ID.
