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About this report
The way in which key features are deployed within the vehicle can have a significant impact on how consumers perceive them. As such, deploying them in a manner that helps facilitate a satisfactory user experience is crucial to ensuring successful vehicle launches, while securing customer loyalty in the longer term.
In 2024, to support our best-selling, long-running, HMI UX Evaluation & Benchmarking report series, we launched the two-part UX Enabling Tech Series to more closely analyze the technological performance of various OEM aspects that deliver the biggest impacts on usability and the overall customer experience.
For 2025, we will be releasing the next two entries in this series, with this edition focusing on navigation for EVs. Utilizing the vehicle models tested in our In-Car HMI UX Evaluation & Benchmarking Series, other models we have tested, and the overall usability study based on secondary data, this report will highlight the best user experiences offered by EV navigation systems today and understand how they interact with the EV’s connected features.

Identify best practices and novel ways of delivering seamless user experiences across different use cases

Deep case studies of each navigation experience backed by objective testing data
Evaluate the technical and functional differences in the implementation of the selected features across the vehicles
Key Benefits
Recommendations to enhance the customer experience for your own systems and technologies
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