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About this report
To date, tech giants like Google, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, and Alibaba have assisted the IVI, connected, and autonomous strategies of major OEMs around the world. In many cases, these companies have developed systems intended for a broad range of vehicles and multiple vehicle segments – one example being the adoption of smartphone mirroring systems as a common infotainment feature in many vehicles across different segments and regions.
However, as their ecosystems of automotive-focused technologies, systems, and features continue to evolve – tech giants today are considering opportunities to expand their presence further and become a direct competitor. Some tech giants have already begun this journey by investing into, or acquiring, automotive companies, hiring industry talent, and announcing new subsidiaries dedicated to investigating and testing new automotive solutions.
This report outlines the role of tech giants in automotive while tracking their strategies across several industry sectors. It details what products, services, and technologies they provide for the industry today while assessing how equipped they are for expansion. Each giant is profiled thoroughly alongside the partnerships they share with OEMs and other key industry players today. Individual releases for Europe, China, and the U.S. understand how these relationships and offerings can vary by region.

What offerings do tech giants already have within the automotive sector?

What capabilities do tech giants have that could position them strongly for future expansion?
What relationships do tech giants already have with different car makers and what do they support as part of those contracts?
Key Questions Answered
Which tech giants are more likely to play a collaborative vs competitive role to traditional car makers?
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