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Start-up Tracker

The latest updates from automotive start-ups



Innovation & Strategy


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About this report

The past few years have seen a surge in the number of start-ups providing an array of services for the automotive industry. Likewise, their offerings extend across the industry landscape - with products spanning infotainment, telematics, safety, security, and autonomous driving functions. Their offering within these areas is similarly diverse, with some autonomous start-ups developing specific sensors, and others developing full sensor suites.

In a similar fashion to mainstream OEMs, the start-up landscape is consistently evolving at a fast pace. A wide variety of start-ups today are regularly announcing new technologies or systems while securing partnerships, investments, and even acquisitions from legacy OEMs looking to boost their offering, or newer players looking to gain footing. As start-ups continue to innovate the industry's interest in them and their offerings will only continue to grow.

The Start-up Tracker works to highlight the latest updates from the expansive landscape of start-ups operating in the automotive industry. It tracks their latest activity while providing the latest news on interesting start-ups emerging within the space. The tracker also sheds light on its most recent partnerships and acquisitions. Updated monthly, this report also details the top automotive events that feature them and their work.


What is the latest industry news related to automotive start-ups?


What services can start-ups provide for the automotive industry?


What industry partnerships exist between automotive start-ups and other companies?

Key Questions Answered


What are the most important events centered around innovation & start-ups?

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