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Software Development for the SDV

New for 2024



Software-defined Vehicles

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About this report

Software development sits at the core of SDV success and is already having a transformative impact on touchpoints across the automotive industry – from vehicle development to E/E platform evolution, through to how roles and responsibilities between automakers, enabling technologies, and the supplier ecosystem are evolving at large. As today’s vehicle software and software development practices continue to advance, it is essential that OEMs, suppliers, and automotive software developers understand how and where these practices can be elevated as they work towards the Software-Defined Vehicle of tomorrow.

Following the publishing of four industry-leading SBD publications around the SDV in 2023, this report takes a strategic look into how automotive OEMs, and the ecosystem around them, are specifically tackling the most critical software development challenges for the SDV. It understands how organizational and technical strategies can work to mutually optimize vehicle software development, while identifying both the capabilities of toolsets used today and the non-automotive software development trends that will impact the automotive value chain. At the same time, the report further identifies how automakers and their partners are leveraging the cloud, digital twin and DevOps tool kits to further accelerate SDV software development and ensure success.


How is continuous development solving CI/CD obstacles within software development?


What roles and strategies are OEMs and suppliers taking to positively accelerate SDV development?


Identify software best practices from industry disruptors who are leading the SDV revolution

Key Questions & Benefits


Understand how organizational and technical strategies can work together to optimize vehicle software developments

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