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OTA & Software Updates Guide

Research Guide



Software & OTA Updates


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About this report

An ecosystem of new players in the automotive industry are putting Over-The-Air (OTA) and Firmware-Over-The-Air (FOTA) updates at the center of their vehicle development and lifecycle strategies. Unlike traditional OTA updates, FOTA updates directly add to, or enhance, the hardware functionalities of the vehicle. Today, OEMs such as Tesla are offering vehicles that provide regular updates which unlock software features and firmware functions initially installed in production.

In response to increasing consumer demand, a growing number of new players and legacy OEMs are adopting or developing similar OTA strategies for their future vehicle line-ups. As more automakers update different ECUs more regularly across the vehicle lifecycle, it can become more difficult for product planning and engineering teams to evaluate the competitiveness of their features and platforms.

The FOTA & Software Updates Guide tracks the latest OEM activity around OTA updates to help product planners and engineers assess their strategies against competitors. It then delves into the updates being delivered by OEMs today – identifying the types of updates delivered, their frequency, and the technologies utilized in the process. The guide works similarly to understand the types of new features enabled through FOTA updates and how quickly OEMs are shifting towards implementing high-frequency updates.


Which OEMS are enabling which types of OTA SW updates?


How frequently are OTA SW updates issued?


How are updates being enabled from an IT and technical point of view?

Key Questions Answered


What are the main types of OTA updates being implemented?

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