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About this report
Through the era of conventional ICE cars, the user journey and their role in the vehicle lifecycle has largely remained the same – as has the understanding that the user experience of the vehicle involves much more than the journeys it will take. As governments around the world begin enacting their zero-emissions targets and legislation, with many banning combustion vehicles, EV uptake has subsequently grown as a result.
EVs can, however, pose several unique challenges for both consumer and automaker, especially in the planning and execution of the EV user journey when compared to the ICE user journey. These issues can arise first when the customer considers buying or leasing an EV, though, if unchecked, can continue and become exacerbated further along the lifecycle.
In the Optimizing the EV User Journey report, our experts highlight the best practices OEMs have implemented to support new and prospective EV customers. In addition to recommending solutions that mutually benefit the OEM and consumer, the report outlines how automakers can leverage partnerships to strengthen customer journeys. It likewise profiles the most valuable in-vehicle and in-app features for EV drivers around the world.

What solutions can automakers implement to improve the transition to an electric driving experience?

What issues affect new EV drivers the most?
How can automakers partner with charging networks to improve the customer journey?
Key Questions Answered
What in-vehicle and in-app features are most valuable to EV drivers?
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