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In-Vehicle Commerce

Research Report



Connected Car

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About this report

For the majority of drivers, commercial transactions have traditionally formed a key part of the ownership experience. Today, these transactions serve a variety of purposes outside the vehicle – from gas and petrol payments to service and maintenance costs. In the future, connectivity services will continue to develop alongside new automotive technologies and systems – allowing for greater commerce opportunities inside the vehicle.

OEMs, suppliers, and even tech giants like Amazon have only recently begun to leverage infotainment systems to carry out in-vehicle payments. While some key players in the EV ecosystem have provided similar solutions, many are investigating the commerce opportunities of autonomous vehicles. The increased adoption of automated driving systems has already raised the potential for new service types, including gaming and video streaming, and new revenue streams as more OEMs begin to conceptualize the vehicle as a third living space.

The In-Vehicle Commerce report presents the most important use cases from the ecosystem for in-vehicle commerce and highlights the role tech giants are expected play within it. Also highlighted are the OEMs and suppliers offering commerce solutions in their vehicles today. A five-year forecast further understands how the ecosystem for in-vehicle transactions is expected to grow and identifies the factors that could influence this growth.


What new use cases are emerging for in vehicle commerce?


How is the eco-system for in-vehicle commerce evolving?


What role are Tech Giants like Amazon likely to play?

Key Questions Answered


How fast will in-vehicle commerce grow?

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