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A growing number of intelligent systems and technologies are being installed as standard in new vehicles today, with even more in development and set for installation in the near future. While the most commonly marketed innovations by OEMs stem from the vehicle's HMI and infotainment systems, this innovation extends to safety and security. These features are now present across multiple vehicle segments and most notably include keyless entry - through which the user's smartphone or key fob used to unlock the vehicle.
The rate at which these technologies are being installed and becoming more common within the industry, however, also increases the risk of electronic vehicle theft (commonly referred to as e-theft). This sees a variety of electronic tools and devices that take advantage of built-in systems used by criminal groups around the world to steal vehicles.
The E-Theft Threat Guide identifies the range of methods that play a role in the theft of vehicles today. Theft tools and devices are extensively profiled on a number of topics - including their source, cost, and the type of theft they enable. Likewise, the models that have reportedly been stolen using these methods and tools are similarly profiled. The impact of these tools on vehicle theft worldwide is evaluated against their functionality, compatibility, and availability.

What are the current electronic theft methods used to steal vehicles?

How does theft impact the desirability or insurability of a vehicle?
Which models are affected by a specific theft tool?
Key Questions Answered
How available are those tools to buyers?
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