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About this report
Since its introduction to consumer vehicles, the digital cockpit has relied on the correlation between technology readiness and vehicle lifecycle management, as well as the customer’s own expectations and acceptance of the system. Today, more intelligent cockpit solutions are being rolled out by an increasing number of OEMs around the world, with software-focused solutions constantly improving through over-the-air updates.
As the digital cockpit continues to evolve, it is essential that OEMs, suppliers, and developers alike remain ahead of their competition to match current and future consumer needs. These needs are especially important as newer solutions work to accommodate the digital experiences familiar to users from the world of consumer electronics.
SBD Automotive’s Digital Cockpit & Infotainment Forecast provides an outlook on the penetration of cockpit elements and key cockpit features, showing their fitment rate by market ten years into the future. Throughout the report, OEMs can benefit from deep analysis broken down by region, connectivity, and service type, as well as a defined methodology that utilizes top-down and bottom-up approaches.

What is the expected evolution of specific infotainment features?

How will major OEM groups deploy cockpits in the next 10 years?
How will cockpit fitment and services vary per region?
Key Questions & Benefits
Provides forecasts of volumes and penetration rates of digital cockpits and infotainment in cars.
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