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Cyber Intelligence Guide

Research Guide



Cyber & Security


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About this report

An in depth analysis of the public white and black hat attacks on the evolving vehicle ecosystem, including technical analysis of hacking methods used and SBD’s proposed mitigations aligned with industry best practice and UNECE R155 Annex 5.

The Automotive Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Guide is designed to raise awareness on the diverse threats and vulnerabilities that affect vehicles and connected & autonomous vehicle systems. This report has been created to promote a positive security culture within OEMs, suppliers and other key players, with insights into the recommended defence and mitigation countermeasures, and to highlight the importance of incident response analysis within the industry.

The Automotive Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Guide functions as a key foundation in a robust UNECE R155 compliance strategy that requires OEMs to continually assess their vehicles against the latest threats and vulnerabilities.

This report is not only aimed at system developers, but it also gives executives a broader understanding and insight of risk management and how this should be applied within their organisation and throughout their supply chain.


Which vehicle components are being targeted for cyber security attacks?


How can threats to automotive cyber security be mitigated?


What are the most effective countermeasures against contemporary cyber security attacks?

Key Questions Answered


In what ways can different cyber security attacks impact consumers and OEMs?

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