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Connected Car Data

Research Report



Connected Car

Deep dive

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About this report

Many OEMs already have data sharing strategies in place for major markets, such as Europe, China, and the U.S, while others are looking to implement them in at least one. These strategies often vary in size and scope, spanning from in-house APIs to integrations with third-party data marketplaces. At the same time, this offering can vary similarly between regions – with each supporting a unique set of implementations.

However, with connectivity becoming an increasingly important part of the automotive user experience, so too is the data generated from connected features and systems. Today, the range of use cases and data types supported by OEMs varies significantly around the world. Evolving with this ecosystem are the steps automakers are taking to ensure that this data is governed and commercialized appropriately for each region. With this landscape evolving so rapidly in a number of different ways, tracking data sharing strategies can quickly become a difficult task.

This report analyzes these differences and details the best data sharing practices for stakeholders. In it, current data sharing use cases are identified alongside the most popular data types among third party developers. The OEMs at the forefront of this ecosystem are profiled alongside the partners supporting their strategies to aid the planning of new data commercialization strategies.


What data sharing use cases do car makers currently support and how are they enabled?


What are the most in-demand types of data among 3rd party developers today, and how will that change in the future?


How are car makers evolving their data governance and commercialization strategies

Key Questions Answered


How are tech partners supporting OEMs?

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