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Autonomous Car Legislation Guide

Research Guide





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About this report

The footprint of vehicle autonomy within the automotive industry has grown to the point where an increasing number of legacy automakers and new players are developing, trialing, or implementing new ADAS and autonomous driving systems. At the same time, the global ecosystem for these technologies is developing at varying rates based on their maturity while OEMs work to raise consumer awareness and gain their trust.

However, one of the largest obstacles faced by OEMs navigating this ecosystem is the legal landscape that surrounds it. This landscape has been growing in tandem with the development of autonomous vehicles and ADAS, and encompasses a series of guidelines, regulations, and groups that mutually aim to ensure all autonomous technologies are safe for road use and that they are developed, tested, and rolled out appropriately.

The Autonomous Car Legislation Guide takes a deep dive into the legal landscape for autonomous technologies to analyze how and where legislation is impacting vehicle autonomy. It works to identify the threats, implications, and opportunities posed by a number of legislative and regulatory activities and understand how these activities vary by region. As a live resource, the guide is updated quarterly with the latest information and updates from the legal space for automated vehicle technologies.


What new legislative requirements will be enforcecd for ADAS technologies to improve safety further?


What exactly the regulations in place are requiring?


What are, and what are expected to be, the NCAP requirements?

Key Questions Answered


How does safety legislation vary by region?

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