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About this report
In recent years, sustainability has evolved from a corporate goal to detailed functional KPIs among all major OEMs. While today sustainability initiatives revolve around building a zero-emission vehicle portfolio, the breadth of sustainability has spread beyond vehicles to wider environmental and societal aspects, such as carbon neutral manufacturing and conscious material sourcing.
For many players in the automotive industry, the biggest challenge around sustainability will be identifying prioritizations in technologies and applications that balance compliance with cost effective changes to product and process. As 2030 approaches, the year set as a deadline for many government-led sustainability initiatives, it is crucial that automakers not only formulate and commit to their own strategies, but identify the tools, technologies, products, partnerships, and more that will help them achieve their sustainability goals.

What are the use cases OEMs are planning for sustainability in the design and engineering stages to track, measure, and reduce emissions across the product lifecycle?

What are the current corporate level case studies and best practices around OEM sustainability initiatives?
Track the landscape of sustainability-centric technologies adopted by OEMs and value chain players
Key Questions & Benefits
Understand what changes your organization needs to make in relation to the EU batteries directive around the sustainability angle of battery traceability
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