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Automotive OS for SDV Deep Dive

New for 2025



Software-defined Vehicles

Deep dive

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About this report

In a world of software-hardware decoupling, managing the complexity of the growing supplier base will be one of the biggest challenges an OEM will face while realizing the SDV. Here, OEMs will need to prioritize systems that help address this by promoting collaboration and faster integration. OS platforms likewise have the potential to boost product competitiveness for OEMs, but must also go through rigorous market verification and meet international advanced standards.

Developing a sourcing plan for a thorough evaluation of open-source, and how to accommodate it, will be critical for OEMs interested in or actively developing a software-defined vehicle. This study will support those OEMs in deciding what to in-source and outsource from a software development standpoint.

Here, our SDV experts examine the ever-evolving ecosystem of automotive operating systems. Designed with the SDV in mind, this study maps the commercial models being deployed across the vehicle OS market, while highlighting their benefits to OEM business and challenges to adoption. Here, it allows planning teams to evaluate the maturity of open-source OSes for in-vehicle use, and understand OEM preferences on OS sourcing in terms of in-house development and supplier contracts.


Map the commercial models of different in-vehicle OSes in the current market, their benefits to OEM business, and challenges to adoption


Identify OEM preferences on OS sourcing and differences by safety criticality requirements.


Understand OEMs preferences on sourcing in-vehicle operating system in terms of in-house development and supplier contract

Key Benefits


Review the potential impact of OS development on vehicle cost structures, comparing BOM-cost based vs TCO-based structures

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