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About this report
To offer end-users the functionality they have come to expect from the consumer electronics world, automotive OEMs and other developers are offering apps on the vehicle's center console. Spanning several feature domains, and representing a rapidly evolving ecosystem, these apps are playing increasingly important roles in both the user experience and the vehicle lifecycle more broadly. As such, a thorough understanding of this ecosystem and the impact these apps are having today will help those OEMs looking to develop and scale their own cockpit app stores and apps for the vehicles of tomorrow.
This all-new report represents one of two studies within the Cockpit & Infotainment domain focused on the overall app ecosystem for automotive OEMs. Here, it works alongside our Automotive Smartphone App Guide to provide a full picture of the automotive landscape. It provides deep insights into the latest trends and activities from OEMs and third-party players in their respective regions, and is updated bi-annually to account for new app launches and the latest movements across this ecosystem.

Granular detail covering breadth of automotive offerings and how the competition stacks up (embedded apps and app stores)

Complete view of the ecosystem an OEM utilizes to launch and maintain their cockpit app store and apps
Updated half yearly to ensure it is always fresh
Key Benefits
Over 100,000 data points, with highest standards of accuracy
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