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The automotive industry is experiencing a shift that will gradually see vehicles defined more by the software they utilize and integrate than the hardware components they are built on. As such, the significance of in-vehicle apps for both the industry and the overall user experience is increasing rapidly. These apps, developed by OEMs and third-party developers alike, often work to offer consumers the functionality and convenience experienced in consumer electronics.
To make sense of the automotive app market for OEMs and developers, SBD has produced the Automotive App Guide. The guide works to understand the automotive app landscape by providing insight into the latest trends and activities from key players in different regions. It then takes a deep dive into the in-vehicle app ecosystem, profiling and comparing the latest offerings from a broad selection of legacy OEMs and new players.
The guide is updated quarterly with dedicated versions for Europe, China, and North America to help OEMs and developers stay on top of trends and up to date with this rapidly evolving landscape. The guide's Apps to Consider section includes recommendations from SBD's UX experts for apps that few or no OEMs are offering today, but could see success in the future.

Which OEMs have the most competitive connected car services/apps offering and what are they planning next?

What are the different ways in which apps are developed by OEMS?
What are the main uses cases to cover?
Key Questions Answered
How is the end customer sentiment on the implementation analysis of user reviews?
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