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After more than two decades of active safety development and deployment, the market for advanced driving assistant systems (ADAS) is becoming mature, especially in Europe and in the USA.
Initially, most ADAS were introduced as a one sensor one feature approach, but with increasing systems performance requirements this approach has reached its limitation. Combining the strength of different sensors together is becoming more common. This is particularly true to the more advanced systems available today.
This report provides an overview of the capabilities of each sensor technology (radar, camera, lidar and ultrasonic), identifying various types within each technology, their pros and cons as well as assessing their suitability to support increasing levels of vehicle autonomy. Robustness, detection and classification capability of each sensor type are explained together with OEMs sensor fusion strategies, Tier 1 offerings and latest developments. Finally some market forecasts are provided.
What are the key capabilities of different sensor technologies?
What are the pros and cons of each sensor type within each technology?
How suitable are these technologies to support increasing levels
of vehicle autonomy?
Key Questions Answered
What are the latest OEM strategies, supplier offerings, and industry developments coming from the ADAS sensor market?
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