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About this report
China’s automotive industry is expanding at an increasingly rapid pace. Domestic OEMs who have built a strong foothold in major markets such as Europe and the U.S are looking to break ground in new markets like India and Africa. At the same time, newer players are hoping to establish, or expand, their presence in the West.
Regardless of their experiences with the local or international automotive landscape, expanding to new markets for both kinds of OEM can be equal parts promising and challenging. The strategies and products that could have proven beneficial for domestic OEMs in China may not work as well in a broader market like the U.S. Likewise, the tactics that have previously proven successful for larger Chinese OEMs in the U.S. may not translate well to other regions.
A Global China takes a deep dive into both of these movements, identifying the challenges and opportunities faced by Chinese OEMs wishing to expand. Throughout, it provides key insights into how these OEMs are adapting to new markets while profiling the automakers who expanded successfully. The report works similarly to understand the best business practices for western markets as well as the regulatory, commercial, and technological challenges Chinese OEMs face abroad.

What are the different strategies that Chinese OEMs are using to expand their footprint outside of China?

How are Chinese OEMs adapting their offerings and branding in order to successfully appeal to new consumers?
Which domestic OEMs successfully expanded to new markets?
Key Questions Answered
What are the main barriers to expansion outside China and can Chinese OEMs overcome them?
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