On Day 1 we wrote about some of the new in-vehicle experiences being showcased at CES 2023, and on Day 2 we analyzed the key enablers being demonstrated by suppliers. As we approach the end of a very long week, this article summarizes where this CES event fits in terms of major trends, and what it all means for the industry.
What were the biggest trends at CES 2023?
The SBD team tracked over 180 announcements from 75 companies during CES 2023, which we’ve categorized into Enablers and Experiences, and further sub-categorized into individual trends:

Looking historically across the last 6 years, CES 2023 saw a continuation of some of the major themes from 2020 and 2021: areas like AVs, ADAS, and connected vehicles still saw plenty of announcements, but continue to trend downwards in terms of prominence at CES, while areas like EVs and SDVs continue to trend upwards.

Which companies got the most attention at CES 2023?
By tracking the Twitter # mentions over the last week, we’ve plotted which companies achieved the biggest lift following their announcements. While players like Stellantis arguably announced a much greater number of new solutions and concepts, BMW’s heavy use of marketing (including bringing the Terminator on stage) captured more attention on social media. Among tech players, NVIDIA and Panasonic both dominated the Twittersphere with their announcements (spanning both automotive and non-automotive).

How close-to-market were the announcements?
SBD has analyzed six years of announcements made by OEMs to assess what proportion are now commercially available – around 30% of solutions and products showcased by OEMs have made it into the market. However, that rate has increased in recent years as OEMs have shifted focus towards nearer-term solutions.
This year we’ve seen another step towards pragmatism across both OEMs and suppliers – almost 70% of announcements are either production-ready or have been launched.

Where next?
The last five years came to represent the ‘Dream Big’ era for automotive companies at successive CES events, with wild and outlandish concepts dominating the conversation. The next five years are turning into the ‘Execute’ era, during which much of the heavy lifting will be done to enable the cutting-edge experiences promised to consumers.
During this period OEMs and their partners will be busy transforming their organizations, collaborating to deploy new platforms and pivoting their business models. That won’t always make for the most exciting of CES events, but an absence of hype shouldn’t be misinterpreted as an absence of progress – in fact, we are entering a defining period for every company across the automotive eco-system.
Subscribe below to receive a complimentary copy of our CES 2023 Summary Report next week. In parallel we’ll be preparing a full report for clients with over 100 slides of analysis of every announcement, including images and videos.