  • Home & Decor website templates - Home Goods Store




    見事なフラワーデザインとエレガントなレイアウトのこのeコマーステンプレートは、美しいものを販売するブティックに最適です。Wix Storesで在庫を管理し、オンラインで簡単に支払いを受け付けましょう!商品の画像をアップロードし、説明をカスタマイズして価格を追加すれば、ビジネスの準備は完了です。

  • Home & Decor website templates - Home Goods Store


    Online stores, furniture retailers and home decor shops


    A rich and stylish template that puts your products at the heart of your brand. With Wix Stores it’s easier than ever to sell out your stock. Simply upload photos and add text to share the story behind your beautiful items. Don’t forget to use Wix Blog and the Instagram Feed to add content that is sure to keep your customers coming back again and again.

  • Home & Decor website templates - Home Goods Store




    クリーンでバランスのとれたデザインのこのテンプレートは、オンラインストアに最適です。統合されたWix Storesアプリで簡単に商品を販売し、内蔵の購読フォームでニュースレター配信リストが増えるのを見守りましょう。エンゲージメントを高めるために、Instagramアカウントと連携させましょう。準備はできましたか?編集」をクリックして、サイト作りを始めましょう。

  • Home & Decor website templates - Home Goods Store


    Textile, home decor and fabric stores.


    An attractive and modern eCommerce template to put your products in the limelight. Control the tone of this template by simply changing the images to reflect the style and feel of your store. To begin, upload your products using Wix Stores, customize the FAQ, and highlight your newest items. Start editing now to get your products online today!

  • Home & Decor website templates - Gift Shop




    他では手に入らないユニークな商品を販売するあなたにとって、この明るくアートなテンプレートは、それらをオンラインで紹介するのに最適な方法です。Wix Storesアプリを使えば、数回のクリックで商品を探したり、購入したりすることができ、購読フォームを使えば、新商品を見逃すこともありません。今すぐオンラインストアを作成しましょう。

  • Home & Decor website templates - Plant Store


    Plant stores, home decor shops and domestic merchandise retailers


    Once you build a site with this bright, earthy template, sit back and watch your business grow. The Wix Stores app makes it easy to process one-time purchases and build a long-term customer base by offering subscriptions, while Wix Blog allows you to deliver the comprehensive guidance that your customers value. Ready to make your sales sprout? Click “Edit” to begin.

  • Home & Decor website templates - Wellness Shop


    Beauty products, spa retailers and wellness stores


    A clean and elegant template, just as nature intended. Use Wix Stores to flawlessly add product details and images and watch your products sell within seconds. Build brand engagement by connecting your Instagram feed while using the Wix Blog app to share your professional expertise. Ready for your eCommerce business to grow to new heights? Click "Edit" to begin.

  • Home & Decor website templates - Home Goods Store


    Online stores, retailers and home-ware sellers


    Create a professional online store with this warm yet and contemporary home accessories template. Start editing to create an easy-to-navigate website that allows viewers to browse products on your homepage with ease. Simply upload images to the product gallery, personalize the descriptions and start selling today.

  • Home & Decor website templates - Electronics Store


    Electronics, home appliances and tech accessories.


    An impressive product needs an impressive website! Entice your customers with this minimalist yet striking eCommerce website template, perfect for anyone selling any state-of-the-art product. With parallax strolling, a slick product gallery and attractive icons, this template is almost ready to go! Simply upload images of your products, adjust the price and main details and watch as your products sell across the globe!

  • Home & Decor website templates - Textile Designer





  • Home & Decor website templates - Hardware Store


    Retailers, local businesses and home improvement stores


    Replicate the clarity and assuredness of in-store shopping with this traditional, straightforward eCommerce template. Use Wix Stores to easily add inventory and make featured products stand out, and add the Wix Blog app to engage site visitors with project ideas, tutorials and more. Click “Edit” to break ground on an online store that your customers will love.

  • Home & Decor website templates - Ceramic Store


    Art studios, galleries, and design shops.


    Open the doors to your art studio with this finely crafted eCommerce template. With a modern design that creates a down-to-earth atmosphere while showcasing your artistic collection, you'll be able to wow visitors with stunning images and provide them with a smooth shopping experience. Click 'Edit' and start molding your site today.