
Link to QR Code Generator

Turn a link into a QR code to drive traffic directly to your website, landing page, portfolio or social media profile.

Instantly create a QR code from a URL










Send people directly to your link

What does the Link to QR Code Generator do?

With our Link to QR Code Generator, you can change any URL to a QR code that sends people to a specific site, landing page or social media profile. You can use QR codes to share your portfolio, sell products, host events and much more. Create a website or use our Landing Page Builder to make a strong first impression and showcase your business, your way. Check out more free tools to help you build and grow your brand online.


QR codes are a convenient way to engage your existing customer base, as well as attract new leads. They can help to differentiate your brand from competitors and create interactive experiences your customers will remember. Plus, when you make a QR code for a link, you can cut down on printing costs but still share all the information you need in an accessible digital format.

Why should I generate a QR code for my URL?

Turning a link into a QR code makes it quick and easy for people to access. Since there’s no need to remember or manually type the URL into a browser, QR codes are a great solution for networking or reaching customers on the go. They can help you to reach many marketing goals, such as growing your email list, social media following or online reviews.


These days, most smartphones have built-in QR scanners within the native camera app. All you have to do is point your camera at a QR code to scan it and access the information you’re looking for. If your device does not have a built-in QR scanner, you can download a third party QR code scanner app instead. Find out more about QR codes and how you can use them in your marketing.

Create different types of QR codes

Engage your clients or customers, share information and create interactive marketing campaigns. Use our QR Code Generator, or choose the QR code types that fit your business needs.

How to make a QR code for a link

Follow these 6 simple steps to turn your URL into a QR code.



Choose the URL option as the type of content you’d like to share when people scan your QR code.



Fill in the URL to which you’d like to send people when they scan your QR code.









Before sharing, check that it leads to the right URL using a QR code scanner like a smartphone camera.



Add the image file of your QR code to business cards, product packaging or other promotional materials.

Resources to help grow your reach


40 creative marketing ideas to grow your business

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Homepage for high-end headphones. Adjacent domain name generator pop-out with list of domain names. Techshed.com is selected.


Get inspired by domain name ideas, register one that fits your brand and start growing your online presence.

2 pop-outs illustrating different form styles in Wix’s Form Creator tool. A third pop-out shows form layout editing options.

Form Builder

Create custom online forms to capture leads, get feedback and collect info. Use QR codes to send people to your forms.

Link to QR Code FAQ

Turn your link into a QR code.
Share it with the world.
