
Jan 11, 20224 min


Updated: Jun 25

多くの点で、メニューはレストラン経営の中核をなすものである:メニューは、何を提供するか、それぞれの商品からどれだけの利益を得るか、お客が何を食べるか、お客がレストランを選ぶかどうかを決定する。「メニュー・エンジニアのショーン・ウィラードCEOは、「私たちは、お客様がメニューをより簡単にナビゲートし、お望みの新商品を見つけられるようにメニューを作成します。「と、Menu EngineersのCEOであるSean Willard氏は語る。

Creating a menu isn’t just a creative exercise; menu design also requires you to consider the impact each dish will have on food costs and your marketing strategies. Whether you are designing your physical menu or an online version to publish on your restaurant website, keep in mind that customers are attracted to variety. However, too many options can become burdensome.


Your customers don't want to pour over pages upon pages of menu items; you want them to enjoy the time with their friends and family. Plus, having too many options can be stressful. Instead of making them feel like the world is their oyster, having dozens of options makes customers feeling paralyzed, then dissatisfied with the choice they make. “When we overwhelm a guest, they push the menu away and order something they know you have,” said Willard. “When people default, that’s a loss because you’ve gone down to that commodity level.” He recommends restaurants limit the number of dishes they offer their clients so that the menu is short enough to fit on a single page. Several studies found that the average customer is most comfortable considering six choices in a section, though that number gets closer to 10 when they are looking at a fine dining menu.




A simplified menu will not only be easier for your customers to digest, but it will also streamline your operations and reduce food waste. Your sales data can reveal the popularity of your dishes (you can see this on Wix Analytics), which have the highest profit margins, which are imposing the most costs, and which are creating the most food waste. You should always take that information into account when determining your menu pricing and deciding what dishes to keep, cut, or alter.


Whether you are just starting a business or have a well-established restaurant, hospitality providers need to make sure that everyone who visits their establishment knows that they will be taken care of, including those with visual impairments. Therefore, it’s imperative that you design your menu so that no one will have to squint in order to read it. Keep the font for your dish names above a size 14 and make sure that the typeface is clear. You can scale down a bit when typing out your descriptions because people shouldn’t need to read them in order to know what they are ordering.



The work doesn’t stop once the menu is complete! Building a menu is an ongoing process that works best when restaurateurs monitor food costs, continuously analyze the performance of each menu item, and pay attention to the feedback from online restaurant reviews. Releasing seasonal menus is a great way to ensure that your guests can find something new and exciting, even those who have been patronizing your establishment for years. Then you’ll have the chance to prune the items that have lost their allure and replace them with flashier concepts that will grab the attention of newcomers. If frequent menu changes aren’t in the cards, try to update your menu once a year, and maybe try using specialty holiday menus to test out new ideas before adding them to the main menu.
