

13 podcast website examples to inspire you

Podcast website examples

While your audio show may try to “speak for itself,” a podcast website can do a lot more for your growth. From getting found online to starting a newsletter following, a well-designed podcast website can act as a one-stop shop to promote your show. And whether you’re looking to create a website for your podcast or updating a current one, you’ll want to look at these successful podcast website examples for inspiration.

This article will dive into our 13 favorite podcast website examples, all built on Wix using podcast website templates. You’ll find which website template best fits your podcast needs.

Starting a podcast? Use this podcast name generator to name it.

Why create a podcast website?

After you’ve started a podcast, you’ll want to build a podcast website for promotional efforts and strategically design it to amass traffic. While listeners may tune into a podcast for the first time via Apple Podcasts or Spotify, they can't engage with the hosts on these platforms. A podcast website lets you speak directly to your audience and helps you build an authentic brand following with them.

Some key benefits to creating a podcast website include:

  • Streamlining your marketing: If you run a YouTube channel with video podcasts or turn episodes into summary blog posts, your podcast website can house these different marketing strategies.

  • Getting web traffic: 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine and marketers Edison Research found that 73% of U.S. podcast consumers discover podcasts through internet searches. Optimize your website with search engine keywords tied to specific podcast topics to help drive more traffic to your site.

  • Monetizing your podcast: If you want to make money podcasting, a website will help you achieve that goal. While in-stream podcast advertising can drive steady revenue, your website can expand your options. For example, add a donation or subscription page to your website, offer premium and exclusive downloadable resources, or sell merchandise, coaching sessions or paid online courses.

  • Engaging your audience: Create feedback loops with submission forms for episode ideas to nurture your target listeners and build community. You can also start a newsletter for episode release notifications.

Best podcast website examples

01. SERP’s Up

Wix’s SERP’s Up covers hot topics in the SEO industry. Upon landing on the podcast website, the top of the fold visibly showcases links to subscribe and listen to the show.

Keep scrolling and you’ll find different episodes displayed in a sophisticated grid layout. The site’s cover art creates consistency without being repetitive.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Centrally placed podcast directory links to subscribe

  • Consistent web design

  • Black and white background that evokes professionalism and engages viewers

SERP's Up is a podcast website example

02. The Know with Nikki Spo

The Know with Nikki Spo easily catches our attention, making the list of best podcast website examples. Her "Stay in The Know" email subscriber banner is punny and well placed. The sticky banner moves with you as you scroll.

Her Past Guests page shows which type of individuals listeners can expect to hear. There’s also a submission form to become her next guest and be part of her podcast recording. Her website exemplifies how creating a blog can help cross promote podcast episodes.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Banner email subscriber form

  • Past guests page with a contact form

  • Active blog to help promote episodes

The Know is a podcast website example

03. Artpop Talk

Podcast website Artpop Talk is pink, bright and vibrant, projecting the show’s tone. Artpop Talk hosts conversations that connect art history to popular culture. And their web design and imagery show just that.

The home page integrates video content from their YouTube channel for an enjoyable streaming experience. The podcasters have also figured out how to monetize their podcast, selling stickers and magnets on their Shop page.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Strong design and images to tie back to the show’s theme

  • Integrated on-page video player for engagement

  • Shop page for monetization

Artpop Talk is a podcast website example

04. After Dark

After Dark’s podcast website immerses you in a true crime experience. A cloudy sky video plays in the background via parallax scrolling effect, setting a spooky mood. Their logo sits on top of the page, with its yellow letters shining like a light bulb. Further below the homepage, you’ll find their Instagram feed followed by a bold CTA: "Follow Us." Their Contact Us page engages visitors by inviting them to leave feedback.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Parallax scroll video

  • Social media feed

  • Contact page with a feedback form

After Dark is a podcast website example

05. Design Matters

Host Debbie Millman of Design Matters uses her well-produced About the Host page to share her biography and accomplishments, helping build trust with readers and future guests. The podcast website’s gradient background changes colors, applying a great web design trend. The website has stellar content organization, including a strategic "Browse By" search function that improves the overall user experience.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Gradient color changing background

  • Helpful episode browsing navigation

  • A well-crafted About the Host page

Design Matters is a podcast website example

06. Girl You’re Hired: Job Interview Tips Podcast

The podcast website Girl You’re Hired greets visitors with a large and symbolic podcast logo. Created using the Wix Logo Maker, the arches on the design resemble the symbol for wifi which is associated with digital connection.

The logo is not the only eye-catching visual element on the site. There's a transparent video art vector, engaging visitors and providing them a modern web design feel. And the site's strategy includes social proof, like testimonials and an article link to the 10 Best Job Interview Podcasts, proving this podcaster's expertise and authority.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Strategic logo placement

  • Uses transparent video vector art

  • Testimonial and social proof

Girl, You're Hired is a podcast website example

07. Skin the Surface

Skin the Surface's practical website is easy to navigate, giving a bird’s eye view of upcoming events and engaging their audience.

The website translation feature, offering 13 languages, offers international inclusivity. Additionally, they’ve added Live Chat to streamline communication with visitors.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Podcast calendar

  • Multi-language site

  • ライブチャット

Skin the Surface is a podcast website example

08. Sleep and Sanity

The Sleep and Sanity Podcast is, "for the parent that craves structure and predictability but struggles to find either with their child's sleep or within parenthood at all." The podcast host knows just how critical parents find this topic.

Many parents will pay for sleeping advice, such as consultation calls and private sleep coaching. The site spreads its CTAs across different pages and locations with various copy, colors and sizes to avoid sounding spammy or pushy.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Tailored to a niche audience

  • Strategic monetization

  • Visible diverse CTAs

Sleep and Sanity is a podcast website example

09. NonMembers Only

Host Mrs. Space Cadet showcases her podcast named NonMembers Only with a retro and easy-to-navigate design. On her partnerships, she explains: "I've had the privilege to partner with some amazing brands in the running industry and beyond. Whether the campaign goal is brand awareness, new product launches, or to increase sales, I use my creativity and knowledge of social media marketing to make it a success." (Adding a short blurb like this can help convince partners to work with you.)

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Retro and minimal podcast page

  • Work with me page

  • Explanation of her brand partnerships value add

NonMembers Only is a podcast website example

10. The Art of Home: A Podcast for Homemakers

Unlike most of the other podcast website examples, The Art of Home has its RSS feed displayed immediately on the homepage, allowing listeners to dive right in and see the full gallery of diverse episodes. To improve feedback loops and build audience engagement, this podcast website example has an audio voicemail feature on their Contact Us page.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Episode gallery on the homepage

  • Prompts with questions for feedback

  • Voicemail response capability

The Art of Home is a podcast website example

11. Six Minute Mile

Motivational podcasts such as Six Minute Mile provide news, ideas and inspirational stories. Their audience comprises runners and fitness enthusiasts. Therefore, their homepage banner displays a happy marathon runner to emotionally connect with site visitors.

This podcast website also uses a structured naming system for each episode title starting with the guest's name and a short anecdotal description. This choice creates clarity for the listener and makes a visually pleasing experience when skimming the available episodes. The colors orange and black repeat across the site, appearing in places such as the logo, load more button and on the podcast art covers for a cohesive look.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Home banner image that creates an emotional connection

  • Consistent episode title naming

  • Repeating color scheme

Interested in more podcasts like this? Check out this list of leadership podcasts.

Six Minute Mile is a podcast website example

12. Kollege Sports

If you’re still looking for podcast name ideas, look to Kollege Sports as an example that uses creative spelling for a common word. The site continues with its playful copy with a banner text reading “blood, sweat and beers,” in line with their brand voice.

Kollege Sports has more than one podcast and uses a dropdown menu from the home navigation bar to direct visitors. They’ve also added a donation page to monetize their podcast.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Clever copy and name spelling

  • Dropdown menu to easily display multiple podcasts

  • Donation page

Kollege Sports is a podcast website example

13. The Mojo Podcast

The Mojo Podcast falls under the category of business podcasts but does more than just discuss careers. They’ve designed their site to align their coaching services to their podcast. The page has three customer testimonials to build their social proof. Lastly, their blog educates and empower their audience.

Why it’s a good podcast website example:

  • Coaching services

  • Meaningful customer testimonials

  • ブログ

The Mojo Podcast is a podcast website example

What should be on a podcast website

The podcast website examples above all have their own unique web design and are powered by the Podcast Player. To take your podcast website one step further, embed these best practices into your site:

  • RSS feeds: No matter which podcast hosting site you use, an RSS feed app automatically updates visitors upon release of a new episode.

  • Email sign-up: Add an email subscriber form to collect addresses for your newsletter. Choose between a light-box element or pop-up to nurture leads with email campaigns.

  • Social media links: Use your podcast website to enhance your social media marketing strategy. Visitors can follow you; good social content helps build credibility.

  • Subscription links: Direct visitors to various podcast directories and hopefully improve your subscriber rate.

  • Testimonials: Have you gotten any heartwarming testimonials for your podcast? Share it on your website and show new members just how beloved your show is.

  • About page: Tell people more about yourself, how you got into the topic you cover and even add your photo.


