

11 eco-friendly products worth selling online

best eco-friendly product ideas

By selling eco-friendly products, your eCommerce business can demonstrate its commitment to sustainable practices while empowering consumers to help the earth in ways they may not have realized were possible.

Global warming. Sustainability. Plastic pollution.

Environmentally conscious consumers are starting to voice their opinions on these important topics and taking action toward a healthier planet by way of their wallets. In fact, as many as two-thirds of U.S. consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable and organic products, according to PDI Technologies.

All in all, selling eco-friendly products can:

  • Help attract new, environmentally conscious customers

  • Improve brand recognition and customer loyalty by positioning your business as socially responsible

  • Reduce your environmental impact and costs through waste reduction and using sustainable materials

  • Open the door to new service offerings (e.g. resale, repair, refurbishment, etc.), which can lead to additional revenue streams

In this article, we’ll explore some of the top eco-friendly products to sell, plus highlight examples of business ideas that are already making a difference.

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What are eco-friendly products?

Eco-friendly refers to products that are designed and produced with the goal of having a minimal impact on the environment when used or manufactured. These products are also referred to as green, earth-friendly, or bio-friendly.

Eco-friendly products are often:

  • Made from sustainable, organic, renewable, and/or recyclable materials

  • Designed to conserve resources like energy and water

  • Packaged in a way that reduces waste

  • Free of harmful chemicals or pollutants

  • Designed to be reusable, reducing the carbon footprint for manufacturers and consumers

As a business, you may not be able to offer products that fit all of the above criteria but you can choose to focus on certain factors as part of your niche or a unique selling point. For example, you could focus on products made of sustainable materials, or you could focus on curating products that are free from chemicals and pollutants. Or even consider selling only digital products.

The top eco-friendly products to sell online

Think of a product. Any product. Chances are, no matter what product you thought of, there is an eco-friendly version available—somewhere.

According to a study by Genomatica, many consumers are interested in buying sustainable products. However, nearly half of them say that they don’t know where to find sustainable brands.

Needless to say, there’s a big opportunity for your brand to make eco-friendly alternatives more accessible to consumers. Below are some high-demand, eco-friendly product and potential online business ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

01. Earth-friendly or ethically made household goods

When it comes to selling earth-friendly and ethical household items, the possibilities are endless. You could sell reusable kitchen items—such as water bottles, coffee cups, silicone straws, food wraps, napkins, and paper towels—that use all-natural or biodegradable materials like bamboo or hemp.

Or, offer household supplies like soaps, detergents, and surface cleaners that are made from non-toxic, earthy-friendly materials. Even utilitarian and decorative household goods—like furniture, rugs, linens, and throws—can be sourced more sustainably.

As an example, textile shop Kaekoo sells beautiful, handcrafted throw pillows and home goods from around the globe. Each item is ethically created and has a story of its own.

eco friendly products - kaekoo homepage

02. Sustainable or ethical fashion

The fashion industry has long been scrutinized for its carbon footprint and has responded with a slew of innovative products (swimsuits made of recycled materials, vegan yoga mats, etc.). Unfortunately, the results of these innovations are decidedly uneven—with the overall impact being almost negligible.

However, this provides a unique opportunity for your business to set itself apart from the competition by being selective of the suppliers and manufacturers you partner with. Find partners who use sustainable materials like organic cotton, industrial hemp, bamboo, or wool from humanely-treated animals.

Another idea: tap a print-on-demand (POD) service like Modalyst, which offers a large selection of customizable eco-friendly products and only prints items when an order comes in.

Alternatively, you could consider reselling gently used, quality, or vintage clothing like Henny Penny Vintage does. By pledging to only sell pre-loved items, Henny Penny aims to “[give] fast fashion the middle finger.”

Pro tip: Explore eCommerce website templates to help you get started with your sustainable fashion brand.

eco friendly products Henny Penny About Us page

03. Recycled or upcycled products

Clever artisans around the world are finding ways to reuse and upcycle discarded items, turning them into something beautiful.

For example, Handlebend’s founders started its business by making hand-crafted mugs for friends and family out of copper scraps. The mugs were such a hit that Handlebend soon blossomed into a successful D2C eCommerce brand.

eco friendly products handlebend homepage

As another example, Alyssa, the self-taught jewelry crafter behind The Antlered Doe, now runs a sustainable eCommerce business making jewelry from naturally shed antlers.

eco friendly products Antlered Doe's antler rings

One-of-a-kind treasures like these can help separate your business from the competition. With the right product positioning, you can build customer loyalty and drive consumer demand for unconventionally produced products.

04. Natural, organic, and ethical personal care products

Consumers are more conscious of what they put on their skin and in their bodies these days, and many are looking for products made from natural ingredients that are safe and effective. Selling personal care products that are both natural and ethically made can align your business with the socially responsible movement.

You could sell a variety of natural, organic, and ethical personal care products like soaps, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, and toothpaste. As shown in the example below, make sure to align your branding with your efforts, using bold copy (“just like nature intended”) and easy-to-find filters so that visitors don’t have to look far for relevant results.

05. Sustainably packaged consumer goods

With increased awareness of the impact that waste and resource depletion can have on our planet, consumers seek eco-friendly packaging alternatives. These include materials that are recycled, biodegradable, or reusable instead of traditional packaging, such as plastic or single-use paper.

For example, Mananalu, founded by actor Jason Momoa, presents purified water packaged in a recyclable and reusable aluminum bottle. For every bottle consumed, Mananalu promises to remove one plastic bottle from ocean-bound waste.

eco friendly products mananalu homepage

06. Renewable energy tech accessories and gear

Today’s devices are largely powered by electricity generated from finite and non-renewable fossil fuels, contributing to global warming and climate change.

As a small business, you could offer renewable energy products like personal water filters, solar radios, geothermal cookers, rechargeable batteries, and even portable solar chargers. Or, sell smart energy monitors that allow consumers to monitor their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint.

Flower Turbines is a great example of a company that brings together renewable energy technology and sustainability in an artistic way. The business has scaled down the concept of wind turbines for individual use in an eye-catching and colorful tulip-shaped design, which looks more like art than an alternative energy source.

eco friendly products flower turbine's renewable energy solution

07. Reusable storage solutions

Reusable storage options, such as glass containers with bamboo lids, food-grade silicone containers and organic cotton or hemp shopping bags, provide sustainable alternatives to single-use, disposable packaging.

By using chemical-free materials, reusable storage options promote a healthier lifestyle. Plus, they’re often more durable.

In addition, reusable storage solutions deliver a more environmentally responsible option for organizing personal items, as opposed to traditional storage products that ultimately contribute to landfills, take centuries to decompose, and harm marine life if they wind up in oceans.

08. Earth-friendly pet products

It’s no secret that many pet lovers view their pets as part of the family, and it’s easy to understand why pet owners only want the best for their furry house members.

In this vein, you could sell earth-friendly pet products that are non-toxic and use sustainable packaging made from biodegradable or recycled materials.

Earth-friendly alternatives to popular pet toys, bedding, litter, flea protection, and food could be another great addition, given that they’re frequently replenished (and can thereby generate consistent revenue). Diamond Dogs strives to reduce the impact plastic has on the environment by sourcing pet supplies that are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and sustainable from like-minded suppliers.

Diamond Dog's homepage showcasing eco-friendly pet supplies

09. Eco-friendly gardening products

More than half of U.S. households participate in gardening activities, according to research by RubyHome, increasing the demand for eco-friendly gardening supplies. After all, natural, sustainable, and nontoxic materials are safer for both the gardener and the garden. Think: organic fertilizers, natural pesticides, compost bins, and rain barrels.

Garden tools made from recycled or biodegradable materials (like bamboo or wooden garden stakes, coconut coir pots, and cloth garden bags) could further enhance your catalog.

10. Sustainable and renewable fitness gear

Fitness gear—like yoga mats, gym bags, water bottles, resistance bands, and athletic clothing—made from eco-friendly materials—like recycled plastic, Lyocell/TENCEL (made from eucalyptus trees), organic cotton, and bamboo—can lower your carbon footprint. Not to mention that they can satiate expectations around both style and environmental responsibility.

For inspiration: Wholesaler Preloved Kilo sells gently used, vintage sportswear (alongside other types of clothing) in an effort to keep items out of landfills. It also aims to save consumers money with its unique pay-by-weight pricing model.

eco friendly products Preloved Kilo's vintage sportswear

11. Eco-friendly toys and games

The demand for sustainable toys and games is rising across the globe and is predicted to increase 12.5% annually through 2030, according to Allied Market Research. This is thanks, in part, to social media influencers who are helping to drive interest in eco-friendly products.

Eco-friendly toys and games are available in materials like recycled plastic, sustainable wood (like bamboo), and organic cotton. Eco-friendly toys and games can include anything from dolls, action figures, construction sets, games, puzzles, sports toys, and more.

How to select the right eco-friendly products to sell

Choosing the right eco-friendly products to sell requires more than simply picking your favorite products from the list. Rather, consider how your product decisions will impact your branding and eCommerce business plan. Determine which eco-friendly products are best aligned with your business’s overall brand, goals and target market.

Things to consider:

  • Environmental impact: Eco-friendly products can vary greatly in how they impact sustainability, energy efficiency and carbon footprint. Consider which aspects are most important to your business and its initiatives, then hone in on products that meet your selected standards.

  • Business alignment: Consider whether the product aligns with your business’s mission, values, branding, target audience, and marketing strategy. The more aligned the product is, the greater the potential for generating a positive return on your investment.

  • Ethics: Sustainable or natural materials don’t guarantee ethical production practices (e.g. fair wages and working conditions, responsible materials sourcing, ethical treatment of animals, etc.). For example, you may decide to focus on offering cruelty-free cosmetics and household cleaners, while prioritizing sustainable materials for clothing.

  • Sourcing: Eco-friendly products can be sourced directly from manufacturers, dropshippers, and local suppliers, or made in-house to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Market trends: Use consumer reports, trade publications, and tools like Google Trends to determine which eco-friendly products are in high demand within your industry.

  • Packaging: Be mindful of packaging. Consumers may prefer products with eco-friendly packaging like paper, cardboard, plant materials or biodegradable polymers. But as a business, you need to weigh the benefits versus the costs and choose the products and packaging options that are most feasible.

  • Manufacturing and distribution costs: Consider the production and distribution costs of eco-friendly products compared to that of traditional products to determine feasibility, marketplace viability, and potential cost savings. Furthermore, avoid surprises by taking a proactive approach to understanding any logistical challenges you may need to anticipate or accommodate.

  • Product certifications: When sourcing items, consider a product’s certifications (i.e. organic, sustainably sourced, chemical-free). Certifications can assist you in selecting products that meet a certain standard. Additionally, because they are often verified by a third-party authority, certifications can add credibility and an additional selling point for your business.

  • Government incentives and regulations: As a seller or user of sustainable products and materials, you may qualify for government incentives including tax credits, rebates, and even marketing support through government-sponsored websites.

Selling products online that are eco-friendly is not only a responsible choice for your business. It can also be profitable and help to build brand loyalty. To achieve the best results, take time to plan your product strategy carefully, complete with market analysis and product research.

