Wix Blog: Using the Members Area in Wix Blog

4 min read
Build a thriving community with the Wix Blog Members Area, where members can follow posts, subscribe for updates, and manage their notifications. Plus, they can create and customize their own profile pages, giving your blog a more interactive and social feel. 
Whether you're building a loyal readership or encouraging discussions, the Members Area is the perfect way to foster community engagement on your blog.
A screenshot showing members profiles in the members area.

About the member pages in the blog

The Members Area in Wix Blog is a dedicated space where site members can personalize their experience and engage with the community. It offers features like customizable profile pages, where members can edit their personal information and manage their activity, including posts and comments. 

Member profile page

Every person that signs up to your site as a member, gets their own member profile page. 
With the Members Area installed on your site, your site members can view other member profile pages by clicking on their profiles. Once they are on their profile page, they can see their public blog activities (posts they've written, comments they've made, etc.).
A screenshot showing the profile page of a member that is logged in.

Public member pages

As the Members Area is considered to be a community, some pages of a members profile are public, which means they can be viewed by any site visitor. 
  • プロフィール
  • ブログ記事
  • ブログコメント
  • ブログが好き
A screenshot showing the blog likes tab in the member profile section.

Private member pages

Certain pages in the Members Area are private, meaning only the member who owns the page can view them. These private pages are not accessible to other members, even when they visit someone else's profile. 
Unlike public pages, which can be seen by the entire community, private pages are designed to protect individual members' privacy and keep their personal content hidden from others.
  • 私の草稿
  • マイアカウント
  • お知らせ
  • 設定
A screenshot showing an example of a private member page.

Adding the Members Area

You can add the Members Area from the Wix App Market. Some site templates already come with the Members Area pre-installed, which means it is already available to use in your site. If you do not have a Members Area installed in your site, you can follow the steps below to add it.

To add the Wix Members Area:

  1. クリック Add Apps  エディターの左側にある
  2. Enter "Members Area" or "Wix Members Area" in the search bar.
  3. Select the Wix Members Area app.
  4. サイトに追加をクリックする。
Adding the Members Area app in Wix Editor

Troubleshooting: Members not visible on the Members page

There are a number of reasons why you may not see a particular member on the Members page, who you expected to see there:

