Wix Groups: Customizing Your Group Page

Each group you create has its own page where members can interact and engage with each other. Customize this group page to edit its layout, display, placeholder text, and design. For each individual group, you can create a custom tab and edit the existing ones. 
A screenshot of the Discussion tab on the group page of a live site.
  • The group page is a dynamic element. Changes you make to it apply to the group page for every group on your site. This does not apply to content tabs, which are unique to each group. 
  • Make sure to publish your site after creating a group so the group page appears in the editor. 

Changing the page layout

Choose the layout of both your group page's cover image and the images and videos in the Media tab. The Media tab displays all the images and videos from the group's posts. 
  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to your Groups page:
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Groups pages.
    3. Click your Groups page under Groups pages.
  3. Click the Groups element on your page.
  4. 設定をクリックします。
  5. をクリックする。 レイアウト tab and choose what you want to edit:
    • General: Choose the cover image layout, height, and spacing. 
    • Media: Choose the image gallery layout and the images per row. 
A screenshot of the Group Page's Layout settings.

Editing the page display

Choose which elements you want to show on your group page's Discussions, Media, and About tabs. 
  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to your Groups page:
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Groups pages.
    3. Click your Groups page under Groups pages.
  3. Click the Groups element on your page.
  4. 設定をクリックします。
  5. 表示タブをクリックする。
  6. Choose which tab from your group page you want to edit: 
    • Discussions: Select the checkbox next to each element you want to show on the Discussions tab:
      • Reactions: Show the member reactions (emojis) added to each post. 
      • Member count: Show the total group members below the group name. 
      • Share button: Show the share icon on each post.  
      • Show member badges: Display the member badges assigned to your members.  
    • Media: Select the checkbox to show the profile image of members when hovering over media in the Media tab. 
A screenshot of the Group Page's Display settings.

Changing the page placeholder text

Change the placeholder text that appears in the field where members click to create their posts. Placeholder text should encourage your members to begin posting. 
  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to your Groups page:
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Groups pages.
    3. Click your Groups page under Groups pages.
  3. Click the Groups element in your editor.
  4. 設定をクリックします。
  5. テキスト」タブをクリックする。
  6. Click the Placeholder text field.
  7. Enter the text that will appear in the field where members click to create a post. 
  8. Press Enter on your keyboard.
A screenshot of the placeholder text settings next to the area where the text appears.

Customizing the page design

Customize the design of your group page, including its fonts, colors and opacity levels. The design settings apply to the group page for all your site's groups. 
  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to your Groups page:
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Groups pages.
    3. Click your Groups page under Groups pages.
  3. Click the Groups element in your Editor.
  4. 設定をクリックします。
  5. Click the Design tab.
  6. Choose what you want to customize:
A screenshot of the Design tab in the group page settings.

Editing the page content tabs

At the top of your group page are tabs that organize the group information into different sections. You can rename these tabs, create a custom tab, or hide tabs you don't want members to see. Changes you make to content tabs are unique for each group.
Owner app
  1. Go to Groups in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant group.
  3. Click the Content tab.
  4. やりたいことを選択する:
A screenshot of the content tabs that appear on your group page.

