Site Members: Managing Your Member Roles

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After creating member roles, manage them at any time from your site's dashboard. You can edit role details, assign them to members and delete them if they're no longer necessary. 
In this article, learn how to:

Editing a member role

Every role has a name, color and description that you can edit to your needs.

To edit a role:

  1. Go to Site Members in your site's dashboard. 
  2. Click Manage Member Roles at the top right.
  3. Click the More Actions icon on the role you want to edit. 
  4. Click Edit Roles.
A screenshot of the Manage Member Roles area, where site owners can edit existing member roles
  1. Edit the role's name, color or description.
  2. 保存をクリックする。

Assigning a member role

You can always assign more members to an existing role, and remove members who should no longer have it. 

To assign members to a role:

  1. Go to Site Members in your site's dashboard. 
  2. Click Manage Member Roles at the top right.
  3. Click the More Actions icon on the role you want to edit. 
  4. Click Edit Roles.
  5. Click the Members tab.
  6. Click + Add Members.
A screenshot of an example member role, clicking Add Members to assign more people to the role
  1. Select the checkbox next to the member(s) that should have this role.
    Tip: You can use the search bar to find a member by their name or email address.  
  2. When ready, click Add
Removing a member from a role?
Click the More Actions icon next to a member, then click 削除.

Deleting a member role

You can delete roles that are no longer needed in your Members Area. This means the members who had this role lose their page permissions.
  • When you delete a role, it is removed from any member that had the role. The member also loses access to any pages that were included in the role. 
  • If you restricted a certain page to one role and then delete that role, the page becomes available to all members. If you want to keep the page restricted, you'll need to change the permissions of your member roles

To delete a role:

  1. Go to Site Members in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Member Roles at the top right.
  3. Click the More Actions アイコン on the role you want to edit. 
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Delete to confirm.
A screenshot of the Manage Member Roles area, where site owners can delete a member role

