Accessibility: Site Navigation

読了目安: 3分
Site navigation is the way visitors move through your site's pages and content.
Your site should have 2 navigation methods, as this ensures visitors with disabilities and impairments can navigate your pages with ease. For example, some visitors may find it easier to click, and others may find it easier to type.
There are 2 methods currently available to add to your Wix site: site menus, and Site Search.

Adding a site menu

Site menus are a popular method of navigation, and are usually placed in the header or footer of your site. They generally display the pages and sections on your site. Your visitors can click the relevant page or section, and be redirected. 
Most site templates already contain menus, however you can also add a menu from the Add panel, or via the Accessibility Wizard.

Wix Site Search allows your visitors to search for content on your site using a search bar, and the results are displayed in a list. It can improve accessibility, as it allows your visitors to find specific content quickly and easily without needing to click or scroll. 
Site Search displays results such as pages, blog posts, and store products. Learn more about the searchable content on your site.
What's next?:
Make sure that your navigation methods are visible on all pages of your site. You can do this by adding them to the header or the footer, or setting them to show on all pages

