
4 min read
Use whatsmydns.net to perform a DNS lookup and easily check if your domain's DNS records are correct and propagated (updated around the world). You'll need to get your DNS records from your Wix account first (these steps are shown below).
When you perform a DNS lookup at whatsmydns.net, you'll see a green checkmark next to the record that has propagated at a particular server. If a red checkmark appears, either no records have propagated, or a communication issue exists between whatsmydns.net and the server.
About domain propagation:
If you recently changed your domain's DNS records, you may see different records at different locations on whatsmydns.net. This is due to domain propagation, which can take up to 48 hours to complete. Learn More

Locating your Domain Records in Your Wix Account

Find your DNS records in your Wix account then use them to search on whatsmydns.net, to check if your domain has been verified around the world.

To check your domain records:

  1. Go to the Domains page in your Wix account. 
  2. をクリックする。 もっと見る  icon.
  3. クリック Manage DNS records.
  4. Scroll to the record you want to check, e.g. NS (name servers), A record, etc.
  5. Verify that your records are correct by searching for your domain in the whatsmydns website (details below) and comparing the results to your Wix details.

Check your domain's DNS records by clicking on your connection method below:

Not sure which connection method your domain is using?

Checking Your Domain's Name Server Connection

Use whatsmydns.net to check that your domain has the correct Wix name server records at various locations around the world. 

To check your domain's name server records:

  1. Go to whatsmydns.net.
  2. Enter your domain name without the www. prefix (e.g., mystunningwebsite.com) in the search field. (This is the 'host name' in your Wix records).
  3. Select NS from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Search. 
  5. The search result should match the 'Value' field in your Wix records, if your domain has propagated correctly.
Make sure you are logged in to the Wix account that contains your domain to view the correct name server records above. 

Checking Your Domain's Pointing Connection

Use whatsmydns.net to check that your domain has the correct pointing records at various locations around the world. 
Your domain must have both the correct A and CNAME records to connect to Wix via pointing.

To check your domain's A record:

  1. Go to whatsmydns.net.
  2. Enter your domain name without the www. prefix (e.g. mystunningwebsite.com).
  3. Select A from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Search
  5. Next to each server location, you should see your domain IP address.
    Compare the search results to the records in your domain host's account to ensure they are the same.

To check your domain's CNAME record:

  1. Enter your domain name, including the 'www.' prefix (e.g. www.mystunningwebsite.com). 
  2. Select CNAME from the drop-down menu. 
  3. Click Search
  4. Next to each server location, you should see the address your CNAME points to (e.g. www135.wixdns.net). Compare search results to ensure they are the same as those shown in the 'Value' field of your CNAME records in your Wix account.
Make sure you are logged in to the Wix account that contains your domain to view the correct CNAME record above. 
If your domain has the correct records, but your live site is still not connected, click here to troubleshoot. 

