Note: 5000 refreshes the page every 5 seconds. You can change the number to the amount of time you want.","Save and publish your site.
Note: Be aware that the script also asks if you want to refresh your Editor. Make sure you save before you refresh the Editor.","重要だ:","This workaround only works if you have upgraded your site with a Premium Plan.","You can also set certain elements, such as videos and audio to loop without your site being refreshed.","We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is hugely appreciated. ","この機能に投票する","注意: 予定されている機能や時間の予測を含むすべての情報は、純粋に参考情報であり、Wixの裁量でいつでも変更または中止される可能性があります。これらの情報は、将来の利用可能性や実装を約束、確約、保証するものではなく、購入を決定する際に依拠すべきではありません。","関連コンテンツ","Wix Editor: Navigating Between Your Site Pages","あなたのサイトの目標達成をお手伝いするWixパートナーをご紹介します。","マッチング","ウェブサイトビルダー","Wixの特徴","アプリマーケット","ウェブサイトのアクセシビリティ","モバイル・アプリ・ビルダー","オンラインストア","オンライン予約","レストランウェブサイト","ブログサイト","ポートフォリオサイト","eコマースサイト","エンタープライズ・ソリューション","学生ウェブサイト","プロフェッショナル・ツール","学ぶ","プライバシー&セキュリティ・ハブ","SEOラーニング・ハブ","Wix百科事典","虐待の報告","システム状況","会社名","プレス&メディア","投資家情報","ウィックス・キャピタル","アクセシビリティ・ステートメント","特許通知","サイトマップ","採用情報","Wixウェブサイトビルダーは、エンタープライズグレードのインフラやビジネス機能から、高度なSEOやマーケティングツールまで、完全なソリューションを提供します。","について","お問い合わせ","利用規約","プライバシーポリシー","© 2006-2024 Wix.com, Inc"]}

Wix Editor Request: Setting a Page to Refresh Automatically

Currently, Wix does not have an automatic refresh page feature.

In the meantime, you can use the following workaround to refresh your page:

  1. Add the HTML code element in your Editor.
  2. Enter the code:
    <script> var timer = null;
    function auto_reload()
     top.location.href = 'Enter your URL destination here';
    } </script>  <body onload="timer = setTimeout('auto_reload()',5000);">
    Note: 5000 refreshes the page every 5 seconds. You can change the number to the amount of time you want.
  3. Save and publish your site.
    Note: Be aware that the script also asks if you want to refresh your Editor. Make sure you save before you refresh the Editor.
This workaround only works if you have upgraded your site with a Premium Plan.
You can also set certain elements, such as videos and audio to loop without your site being refreshed.
We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is hugely appreciated.